What to expect from a Shockwave, EMTT, and Laser Therapy Appointment.

1. Before your treatment, you will meet with our provider to receive an evaluation and determine your eligibility for Shockwave, EMTT, and Laser Therapy. Some of the things that disqualify a patient from receiving the treatments include:

  • Pacemakers
  • Metal Implants (Unless MRI has been done within the past 2 years)
  • Pregnancy

2. After your evaluation, our provider will schedule you for our Non-Invasive Treatment Package, which will typically include Shockwave, EMTT, and Laser Therapy. This is because shockwave performs best when it is included with other regenerative medicine techniques. The 4 treatment sessions will take place over 4 weeks.

3. First, we will use our EMTT machine. This will reset the body, open up those cells, and get rid of “bad” inflammation. Then we will use a V-Actor to administer a massage to loose your muscles and tissues. 

4. Second, we will use radial shockwaves to bring blood flow to the entire affected area. These shockwaves will cover a large area but will not penetrate deep into the affected tissues. For deep activation, we will use focused shockwaves to target to specific area of pain. 

5. During your 1st session, a light dosage of shockwave will be administered. As the weeks continue and your pain begins to subside, the shockwaves will become more intense. Some patients experience discomfort during the treatments, but right after the treatment, most patients say they feel relief.  

6. Patients typically experience pain relief from their condition 2 days after the first treatment. That is why the first appointment is a good indication of whether the full sessions will be effective. If the pain from your condition does not subside after the first 2 days, your body will require more shockwaves to initiate your body’s healing process.

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